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Integrating Azure AD B2C with OWIN for frontend-users


We want to add Azure AD B2C for authentication for frontend-users of our platform (CMS with Commerce). I'm trying to use OWIN for the authentication but we'd like to still use the default forms authentication for backend-users who need access to EPiServer.

Adding a section in the web.config to specify forms authentication for the /episerver folder isn't an option since we're hosting the site as an Azure webapp, and doing that configuration in the web.config isn't allowed.

Edited, Aug 03, 2016 9:32

Hi Jeroen,

I have an example that you can use to get Episerver to work with B2C. Here

You can't use both old membership provider and Owin, so would need to add group/roles in B2C. Then you can use the /episerver to go into the edit mode in Episerver after you have

loggedin through B2C.



Aug 16, 2017 12:23
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.