ImageVault with XhtmlString in blocks



We have encountered a problem regarding EPiServer (v.9.12.3) and ImageVault (v.4.8).

If you have an XhtmlString property on a Page and drag a block containing an XhtmlString to the first property

And then add a ImageVault image using the TinyMCE plugin for ImageVault to the same property like below:

The problem starts when you preview or publish the page. All the html tags around the block disappears.

The html looks like this before and after publishing the page:






Points to notice:

  • The html tags are still broken if you remove the ImageVault image after publishing the page.
  • It works fine if you add the ImageVault image first and the block afterwards.
  • It works fine with multiple ImageVault images (no blocks used).


Do you have any clue what could be causing this issue?


Best Regards


Jun 26, 2017 16:31


We are using EPiServer (v.10.5.0) and recently we noticed same probem in our solution.

In our TinyMCE block instead of ImageVault we are using Imageshop's editor plugins and some own custom tag editor ( In our case it is not a first property on page.


<div data-classid="36f4349b-8093-492b-b616-05d8964e4c89" class="epi-contentfragment mceNonEditable" data-contentguid="59634f1d-3a37-4bfa-8a50-e018364c3fa1" data-contentlink="577461" data-contentname="L6: spørsmål">L6: spørsmål</div>


<div class="epi-contentfragment mceNonEditable">L6: spørsmål</div>

Since we experienced same problem for two different image editor plugins I suppose it is rather related to TinyMCE or EPiServer itself.

Best regards,


Aug 01, 2017 14:56
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