NuGet PackageReference supported by EPiServer CMS/Commerce?


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What worries me is this:

Will existing NuGet packages work if I am using PackageReference for WPF, Windows Forms or ASP.NET projects?

While we have done a lot of work to ensure that existing packages on just work with the PackageReference format, there are a few scenarios that will not be supported in the PackageReference world and might impact your ability to migrate away from packages.config. Some examples of scenarios that will not be supported include content folders (we have introduced ContentFiles), XDT transforms, PowerShell scripts i.e. install.ps1 and uninstall.ps1 (only init.ps1 is supported) . If you come across a package you consume in your WPF or Windows Forms app that worked previously but does not work on migrating your project to PackageReference, we would love to hear from you, so that we can investigate what the incompatibilities might be.

Aug 31, 2017 11:44

don't think so. just look into package content :) there is almost everything that is mentioned as not supported

Sep 06, 2017 15:52
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