What is the best way to add new properties to the response of the content delivery api?


Hi all, 

Currently I am looking into customizing the response of the content delivery api by adding new properties.

For now I was able to achieve something of that sort by overriding the ContentConvertingService class.

I would like to know if there is a better approach to add custom properties to the content delivery api.

public class CustomContentConvertingService: ContentConvertingService

    public CustomContentConvertingService(IContentConverterResolver contentConverterResolver, IEnumerable<IContentFilter> contentFilters, IEnumerable<IContentApiModelFilter> contentApiModelFilters)
        : base(contentConverterResolver, contentFilters, contentApiModelFilters)
    public override ContentApiModel ConvertToContentApiModel(IContent content, ConverterContext converterContext)
        var data = base.ConvertToContentApiModel(content, converterContext);

        data.Properties.Add("NewProperty", "NewPropertyData");

        return data;

Feb 13, 2024 9:29

We implement IContentApiModelFilter in a more simple fasion, allowing us to perform better SOC in the end, see https://docs.developers.optimizely.com/content-management-system/v1.5.0-content-delivery-api/docs/how-to-customize-data-returned-to-clients

This will in it's most simple form look something like this

public class PageBaseFilter : IContentApiModelFilter
    public void Filter(ContentApiModel contentApiModel, ConverterContext converterContext)
        if (contentApiModel.ContentLink != null)
            contentApiModel.Properties.Add("Id", contentApiModel.ContentLink.GuidValue.ToString());
        // more more more 
Feb 13, 2024 20:41
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