Simple Address and Enterprice EPi

Hi, I just found that the simple URL works pretty strange when I use it in our Enterprice EPi 4.50 If I set simple URL to "product1" for site1 everything is fine (It works to go to: site1/product1 ) If I then also want a redirect for the same product for site2, ie I want site2/product1 to go to another page, this doesn't work. EPiServer stops me from adding the simple Url for site2 as it is already added for site1. Is there any way to get this to work? Maybe some rewrite or something? thanks, /Tobias
Oct 12, 2005 13:01
Sorry. I forgot the subject.
Oct 12, 2005 13:02
Hello tobias, have you found a workaround for this problem, since I'm suffering from the same problem. I working on EPiServer 4.6 enterprice license. My customer have so far two Start Pages with different domain names, but both will link to a page with a simple adress and unfortunately it needs to be the same Simple Adress on both pages since it is used by another component that I'm not controlling! Hope you have found an answer. gustaf.
Jul 26, 2007 15:51
Hello, Has anyone found a solution to this problem, I am experiencing the same problem. Atabong.
Aug 22, 2007 18:58
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