EPiTrace - EpiLogService Feilmelding

Prøver å installere EPiTrace og får følgende feilmelding når jeg forsøker å starte EPiServer LogService. Har lagt inn i EPiserver.logService.exe.config og lagt til EPiTrace.Analyzer.dll i C:\Program Files\EPiServer.LogService, men får ikke startet servicen. Hvis jeg fjerner fungere det igjen. Noen tips ? Service cannot be started. System.Configuration.ConfigurationException: Attribute type contains invalid type EPiTrace.Analyzer.EPiMonitorAnalyzer, EPiTrace.Analyzer (C:\Program Files\EPiServer.LogService\EPiServer.LogService.exe.config line 58) at EPiServer.BaseLibrary.ConfigurationHandler.GetRequiredType(String attributeName, XmlNode node) at EPiServer.BaseLibrary.ConfigurationHandler.ᐁ(IChannel , XmlNode ) at EPiServer.BaseLibrary.ConfigurationHandler.InitializeChannels(XmlNode channelsNode) at EPiServer.BaseLibrary.ConfigurationHandler.InitializeBaseLibrary() at EPiServer.BaseLibrary.ConfigurationHandler.Initialize(String sectionName) at EPiServer.BaseLibrary.ConfigurationHandler.Initialize() at EPiServer.Log.Service.LogService.ᐁ() at EPiServer.Log.Service.LogService.ᐁ() at EPiServer.Log.Service.LogService.OnStart(String[] args) at System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase.ServiceQueuedMainCallback(Object state)
Dec 22, 2005 16:52
Hello Knut, The developer of the backend of EPiTrace is on vacation, but there was some emails from him regarding some installations problems last week. I post these emails below if they might help you. A new installation document will be posted later this week I think. /Mikael Runhem ********************* Hej Tydligen är inte kommunikationen mellan EPiServer och Logservicen uppsatt default när man installerar EpiServer (åtminstone var det en partner som inte hade den uppsatt på sin site) Om så är fallet ska man lägga in följande i filen EPiServerLog.config som ska ligga i roten på episerver siten.
Dec 27, 2005 9:22
Hi Unfortunately a little error had sneaked into the information about what should be added to the config file for the logservice. The word EPiMonitorAnalyzer should be replaced with EPiTraceAnalyzer. /Johan Björnfot
Dec 28, 2005 15:45
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