Multilanguage editing in the EPiServer link tool

Needed: change in link tool so that the links will take the selected language into account. It is not even possible to insert the language parameter in the edit tool. This is how we want it:

This is a simple link.

Rationale: The editor knows the which language tab it is in so it makes sense that the links would target the same language. (Use of cookies, session user-values are of course no option for an external site.) Regards Christian
Mar 11, 2005 10:26
I haven't heard anything yet from EP about this. I don't know if there is something unclear in my statement. Remember, that for external sites, like for many multinational corporations, the request-parameter is the only viable solution to multilanguage handling. Taking that into consideration I find it very annoying that we can't use the EPiServer builtin link tool for making language dependent links. It should definitely be a task for EP and not for the integrators to adapt this for a multilanguage environment. Regards Christian
Mar 17, 2005 10:00
Hello! We have added this request to our todo-list. For the moment you will have to modify the link tool to get this behaviour. A recommended approach to these kind of problems is to have a domain or sub domain for each language and set the page language depending on what domain the user is in. This can be set in HttpContext.Items["epslanguage"] in the Application_BeginRequest method in global.asax.cs.
Mar 30, 2005 14:54
Is there any news about this topic? We are allso in need of localized simple URL's to the samae page but diferent languages like or .../contact and so on.
Apr 07, 2006 11:02
The link editor will default language in links to same language being edited as of 4.60 when globalization is activated, simple URLs can also be defined per language so you can have /kontakt and /contact pointing to the same page. Your wish is our command :-)
Apr 10, 2006 8:35
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.