GetPage returns the published version when 'Save and View' in 4.60 hotfix2

Has anyone had this problem? Can't find it as a known issue in the release notes. I have created a web control who's properties needs to be edited. To do this, the control retrieves properties from a certain container page. To get the properties from the correct page I have to use the GetPage method. When editing the container page and clicking the 'Save and View' button, the GetPage method returns the published version not the currently edited version. The control resides in a page that allso has properties, this properties (in the CurrentPage) are shown in the correct version. But this is not the case for the control that uses the GetPage (that is actualy getting the properties from the same page) The latest edited version is now displayed in the Version list. Save and view should display a preview of the last version of the page. We have to use this method because we are using the same control from another page that is not connected with the page supplying the properties. System setting: 4.60 Enterprice edition Hotfix2 Win2003 loadbalanced Globalization support enabled
Jun 14, 2006 11:25
The GetPage method probably works as intended. If you want to get another version than the published one you have to supply a work id in the PageReference that you use in GetPage. Try using CurrentPageLink if possible as this should have the correct information for the version that is beeing previewed.
Jun 15, 2006 10:38
Maby maby not =). The tricky part here is that the CurrentPageLink has no place inside templated controls (like in this case), since the Container property is of the type PageTemplateContainer, which doesn't implement CurrentPageLink. Does anyone know another way to use the WorkID to get the currently viewed page? It's a little bit complex so I can't realy even get hold of the parent page control that is of type TemplatePage and use it because i make an indirect refferance to it and I get the version from the wrong page.
Jun 15, 2006 14:11
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