Controls order mixed in edit mode

Hi, I’ll try to put the case in a very clear, understandable way. In EPiServer 4.61, we have a page type called "Studies”. It contains a lot of properties, one group of them are 15 “XHTM string” properties. Those are gathered in one separate tab -> “Subjects data”. It’s very important for us to keep them in order in which it was organized when page type was created (please have a look on When new page, of Studies type is created, the order is as it should be (, the problem is that when filling them with a text and then “Save and Publish” the order gets crazy and is no longer As we expected ( This is extremely important for the customer to keep the order of that properties in the edit mode. So the question is: Can we do smth. To prevent controls for changing their order?
Jan 08, 2007 10:15
I recived a tip from Steve Celius. This was: ------------------- Hi, this is a bug in EPiServer 4.6x, and happen because the sort index order is not saved for the properties. The order of properties should be as defined in admin mode, and so, the order should never change randomly as you experience. To fix this, you need to change the netPageDefinitionSave stored procudure, and add the following to the UPDATE section: FieldOrder = @FieldOrder, This will make sure the sort index is saved too. ------------------- So I modified the procedure in this way (please have a look on screenshot Unfortunatly it didn't help. Do you have any more suggestions/ideas? Regards, Piotr
Jan 08, 2007 10:21
Hi, I manage to solve that problem. One more thing should be done addtionaly to Steve answer. This is making FieldOrder field (in table tblPageDefinition) unique for each record. The jpg below tells more than words: I hope it will help someone solving her/his problem in future.
Jan 23, 2007 22:20
Yup, you need to go through each page's properties in the db and set the values manually, since the SP-update only fixes the issue for new properties. Possibly also if you move them up and down enough, you might get the right order, but it's easier just to go through the properties order in the db.
Jan 24, 2007 13:41
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