IsLanguageBranchCreated missing, but not in documentation!

According to the documentation, the PageData class has a little nice method: IsLanguageBranchCreated. However, the method is totally absent in the dll (at least public and non-obfuscated). The same is true for ChangeLanguageBranch, GetLanguageBranch, and GetLanguageBranches. How can I achieve the functionality provided by these functions? Where are they and if they don't exist, why are they there in the documentation. Oh yeah, and the EPiServer dll: 4.61.083, and the help file: 4.61 Any ideas??
May 30, 2007 17:10
I have the same problem/question. Did you ever get an answer?
Sep 14, 2007 13:59
Hi This is an error in the SDK. These methods do not excist. You can however access a PageDataCollection containing all the available language branches for a given page via Global.EPDataFactory.GetLanguageBranches(pagereference). The quickest way to create a link to the same page in a different language would be using the PageData.StaticLinkURL and adding &epslanguage=language_code.
Sep 18, 2007 15:06
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