RssProvider and x amount of list outputs

using the RssProvider sample file to generate a rssfeed. i want in the .CS file to set the amount of 10 feed instead of showing all feeds. Any one done that and have some code examples to share? This is the code i´m using: private void WriteRssDocument() { XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); XmlNode outerNode = doc.CreateElement("rss"); .... .... PageReference listingContainer = (PageReference)CurrentPage["ListingContainer"]; PageDataCollection children = GetChildren(listingContainer); .... .... foreach(PageData page in children) { XmlNode item = doc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element,"item", null).Value 4; int itemCount = 4; for (int i=0;i < itemCount; i++) { XmlNode itemTitle = doc.CreateElement("title"); itemTitle.InnerText = page.PageName; item.AppendChild(itemTitle); XmlNode itemLink = doc.CreateElement("link"); itemLink.InnerText = EPiServer.Global.EPConfig.HostUrl + page.LinkURL; item.AppendChild(itemLink); XmlNode itemDescription = doc.CreateElement("description"); itemDescription.InnerText = ""; item.AppendChild(itemDescription); XmlNode itemCreated = doc.CreateElement("dc","date",""); itemCreated.InnerText = page.Changed.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); item.AppendChild(itemCreated); channel.AppendChild(item); } } doc.Save(Response.OutputStream);
Jul 09, 2007 15:06
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