


I have installed Epi Server 5 dlls on the production server. It has been working correctly on one of the servers. The other server where the application has been installed gives me EpiServer.BaseLibrary.ClassFactoryexception. The error is "FactoryId ContentFactoryChannel is already registered".

Also note that we register the EPiServer.ContentChannelService.dll in the web.config as shown below.



<add type="EPiServer.Implementation.DefaultBaseLibraryFactory, EPiServer.Implementation" id="ContentChannelFactory"> <register type="EPiServer.ContentChannels.ContentChannelAdministration, EPiServer.ContentChannelService" mappedType="EPiServer.ContentChannels.ObjectStoreContentChannelAdministration, EPiServer.ContentChannelService" /> <register type="EPiServer.BaseLibrary.IContentChannelHandler, EPiServer.ContentChannelService" mappedType="EPiServer.ContentChannels.ContentChannelHandler, EPiServer.ContentChannelService" /> </add> </classFactories> </episerver.baseLibrary>

 Since this occurs on Production environment, we are extremly concern & need your immediate assistance.


Amit Bhatia


Dec 12, 2008 9:56
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