CreateWritableClone and Dynamic properties


I have one dynamic property, let's call it globalProp.
I'm changing the content by code like this:

PageData NewPage = CurrentPage.CreateWritableClone();
NewPage.Property["globalProp"].Value = "Test";

But the dynamic property is always null (don't exists)... Even if I fill it with content manually in Edit mode.

Is the function CreateWritableClone not handling dynamic properties at all? And what to do if I want to manipulate those by code?

Regards, Andreas Ek, Internetfabriken.

Apr 30, 2008 19:10
Google, my Google, found the solution on the EPiServer site Laughing 
DynamicProperty prop = DynamicProperty.Load(CurrentPage.PageLink, "globalProp"); 
prop.PropertyValue.Value = "Arne";
/ Andreas Ek, Internetfabriken.
Apr 30, 2008 19:57


This is not an answer to the original question but i'm hoping to get an answer to my question.

How get I get hold of the dynamically created form field names and values? e.g. I have form fields like FirstName,LastName, PostCode but when i look on the page source code the are named as random numbers.  I need their exact names and values in my Validator.

Kind regards


Jul 11, 2019 19:36
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