multiple sites not working in SP2



We have upgraded from cms 5 sp1 to sp2 recently. when ever you access a second site it errors after the log on page. It works fine when you access the default site. It is only the second site that always errors. we are using custom athentication module. It is happening since we upgraded to sp2. Any ideas?



Incorrect link

The link you gave does not work, either because the page it points to has been deleted or moved. If you clicked on a link, please inform the site's webmaster that the link is faulty.
Detailed error information (authorized by permissions to functions)

Error occured 6/30/2008 9:55:57 PM
User IP
User Agent Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.2; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; InfoPath.1; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.648; .NET CLR 3.5.21022)
Url http://testsp3/UI/edit/default.aspx?id=5573
Referer http://testsp3/Util/login.aspx?ReturnUrl=/UI/edit/default.aspx?id=5573&id=5573

Exception details: HttpException: Not Found

Http status: 404 NotFound

below is second site node in the web.config. I am using this on my dev machine and tried with no http in host header as well. The below oneworks if I make it as default. 

<site description="Example Site1" siteId="testsp3">
    <siteSettings enableScheduler="true" stringCompressionThreshold="0"
      stringDelayedLoadThreshold="0" remoteWebServiceCulture="0" indexingDelayAfterPublish="00:00:20"
      uiDefaultPanelTab="0" indexingTextRegExp="[\p{N}\p{L}]{1}[\p{N}\p{L}-\._]*[\p{N}\p{L}]{1}"
      logServiceUrl="soap.tcp://localhost/TimeSpanAnalyzerView" uiImageTransparencyReplacement="White"
      globalErrorHandling="RemoteOnly" uiSafeHtmlTags="b,i,u,br" uiOptimizeTreeForSpeed="false"
      remoteCacheListenerShortNames="" httpCacheVaryByCustom="browser"
      httpCacheVaryByParams="id" httpCacheExpiration="00:00:00" pageCacheSlidingExpiration="12:00:00"
      remotePageCacheSlidingExpiration="02:00:00" uiEditorCssPaths=""
      uiEditorColors="" uiEditorHeight="250" uiEditorWidth="500" uiEditorValueOptions="0"
      urlRewriteExtension="" pageUseBrowserLanguagePreferences="false"
      uiShowGlobalizationUserInterface="false" subscriptionHandler="EPiServer.Personalization.SubscriptionMail,EPiServer"
      mirroringRetries="5" mirroringRetryDelay="00:00:01" mirroringHtmlTextEncoding="Unicode"
      mirroringFileWriteRetryDelay="00:00:05" categoryId="1" pageRootId="1"
      pageStartId="5573" pageWastebasketId="2" pageOfficeStartId="0"
      uiMaxVersions="0" uiVersionMerging="true" pageValidateTemplate="false"
      uiKeepUserLoggedOn="true" siteUrl="http://testsp3/" uiUrl="http://testsp3/UI/"
      utilUrl="http://testsp3/Util/" siteDisplayName="TestSP3" errorMailHandler="~/util/SendErrorReport.aspx"
      pageFolderVirtualPathProvider="SitePageFiles" uiTheme="" enableEvents="true"
      enableRemoteEvents="false" />
     <add name="http://testsp3" />

Jun 30, 2008 23:16

Hi Siva,

What happends if you change to:

<add name="testsp3" />
Jul 01, 2008 8:38

I am getting the standard IE error if I don't put the http:

Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage
Most likely causes:
You are not connected to the Internet.
The website is encountering problems.
There might be a typing error in the address.

and also crashes the site with this message

A process serving application pool 'DefaultAppPool' suffered a fatal communication error with the World Wide Web Publishing Service. The process id was '1192'. The data field contains the error number.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at

Edited, Jul 01, 2008 13:42

You are not the only one who is suffering this problem with multiple sites in CMS 5 SP2. We have reported the bug to EPiServer and are hoping for a solution.

Do a rollback to SP1 in the meantime... 

Edited, Jul 02, 2008 13:52
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.