How to register Dynamic Content when it's in the same site?


I'm having problems with registering a IDynamicContent implementation when the file is part of the web site. I just can't find a useable assembly name to put into the  registration in web.config. Whatever I try,

Since this is a web application, I don't have an App_Code folder so I can't use that as the assembly name. "Code" doesn't work either. Using the namespace doesn't work.

I could put the controls in a separate DLL, but I would prefer not to since they use a lot of ascx controls already in the site and I would like to avoid cross-references.

Any suggestions?




May 05, 2009 8:24
Could you post the namespace and class name of your Dynamic Content class and the web.config settings you have tried?
May 08, 2009 10:56

I have since moved the code to a separate assembly which I can register without problem (as expected), but it would still be interesting to know how to declare the registration for DC classes declared within a web site. For example:

namespace Some.Name.Space


  public class SomeClass: IDynamicContent




Things I've tried without success in the web config (hope this come out correctly):

<add description="Some Description" name="SomeClass" type="Some.Name.Space.SomeClass, Some.Name.Space"/>

<add description="Some Description" name="SomeClass" type="Some.Name.Space.SomeClass, App_Code"/>

<add description="Some Description" name="SomeClass" type="Some.Name.Space.SomeClass, Code"/>

None of them works. Suggestions?



Regards, Peter


May 11, 2009 8:21
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