Problems with multiple sites



We’ve setup our main site in EPiServer and that’s all fine. We’re in the process of creating a series of microsites, some of the content for which will come from the existing main site.

We’ve set up the first microsite site but have 3 problems which we can’t figure out.

  1. When we switch between the main and sub site in the editor the default.aspx part of the URL is missing which causes EPiServer to throw a 404 error. If you type in the missing part if works fine but obviously that’s not a viable long term solution.
  2. The workflows aren’t working. We copied the default sequential workflow for the main site and I’ve made a copy of this, amending the start page to be the homepage of the microsite. All the other settings are the same but the pages aren’t going into the workflow.
  3. We can’t share content between the sites. We can use the dynamic content option to select the Property we want to link to but the content isn’t being rendered. Instead it displays the <DynamicContent:PagePropertyPlugin> placeholder. The content we are linking to is an XHTMLPropertyString.

If anyone can provide some answers or guidance that would be great.



May 05, 2010 12:43
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