Search w/ Additional URL Parameters Added to Page URL


We have recently started noticing additional URL parameters being added to internal search pages;

e.g. a user can visit /search/?search=querystring

The user will be displayed a list of results as normal, but in addition to the desired page e.g. /news/mynewspage/


Will be appended to the URL in the HTML...

Does anyone have an idea on how to remove this? I believe it's something with hit tracking from search?


Edited, Feb 22, 2022 9:19

"Track() ensures that the required tracking information is added to the URLs of the search hits."

So try removing that extension method .Track() when querying Find to disable.

Feb 22, 2022 12:21
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.