Some heads up if planning to update to 12.6.0 regarding the Select Content-feature


The feature "Select Content", Release note - CMS-21131 (, is not currently translated it seems.

One can remedy that temporarly, if not wanting to wait for an update, by adding an "override"-xml for the language you want to support to your editors. My EpiserverOverrides.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
  <language name="Swedish" id="sv">
        <!-- Saknas för stunden i senaste 12.7.0 -->
                <buttonlabel>Lägg till länk</buttonlabel>
            <title>Välj innehåll</title>
              <selectimage>Välj bild</selectimage>
              <selectmedia>Välj media</selectmedia>
              <selectvideo>Välj video</selectvideo>
            <text>Släpp innehåll här eller</text>
            <buttonlabel see="/episerver/cms/widget/contentselector/title"></buttonlabel>
            <dialogtitle see="/episerver/cms/widget/contentselector/title"></dialogtitle>
              <label see="/episerver/cms/widget/contentselector/title"></label>

Another heads up if using interfaces for AllowedTypes

For grouping common blocks for AllowedTypes one needs to make sure that the interface used inherits from IContentData since the Select Content-feature calls GetChildren which has a generic constraint on IContentData. As an example, also applied to IHeroBlock as in image from above:

public interface IStandardBlock : IReadOnly<BlockData>, IContentData
Edited, May 31, 2022 6:56
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