Forms.config replaced on publish


I have injectFormOwnJQuery="false" set in my Forms.config and noticed the published version built with Azure DevOps replaced this with the orginal file.

Can these settings be altered in appsettings.json instead?

Edited, Dec 06, 2022 17:56

It seems my fix may be to set CopyToPublishDirectory to true in my project file.

    <Content Update="modules\_protected\EPiServer.Forms\Forms.config">

This is still less than ideal since it is masking a bug in the package - I think the correct move is for the package to be updated to set copyToOuput to false in the nuspec

      <files include="any/any/modules/_protected/EPiServer.Forms/Forms.config" buildAction="None" copyToOutput="false" />
      <files include="any/any/modules/_protected/EPiServer.Forms/" buildAction="None" copyToOutput="true" />
Dec 07, 2022 15:46

Thanks let us try this.

Dec 08, 2022 2:40
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