Simple Address is not working if first segment is same for both Parent and Child pages



    I have a parent and one children page of this parent. I configured the Simple Address as "parent-page" of the parent and "parent-page/child-page" of the child page. I am getting 404 Page not found If try to access the child page simple address like "http://localhost:8737/parent-page/child-page".

My requirement is child page's simple address should be prefixed with the parent page's simple address

Version: CMS12

Any suggestion on this. Thanks in advance. 


Vijay J

Apr 20, 2022 18:47

Simple address is meant to be used as a shortened URL, so in your example you could use it to create a URL such as http://localhost:8737/child-p/ that you could use in printed campaigns or on Twitter etc.

I think Simple address is probably not intended to contain /-chars.

The requirement you are describing sounds about right for what you get out of the box with the "Name in URL" field.

May 25, 2022 15:39
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