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Upgrade from CMS 11, fetching Subscriber profiles in CMS 12?



I am working on upgrading CMS 11 to CMS 12 and have ran the scripts and upgraded from ASP.NET MVC to .NET Core.
I havn't worked alot with .NET Core so it is a bit new to me.
The customer have a subscription functionality and we have made a admin plugin to list subscribers and which categories and/or pages they subscribe on. Converting this admin plugin is a bit troublesome. Before, we fetched all subscribers using "ProfileManager.GetAllProfiles(ProfileAuthenticationOption.All)", then fetching all info for the profile using "EPiServerProfile.Get(profileInfo.UserName)". How would this work in CMS 12?
I have tried searching in the documentation and googling. But I dont find anyone with the same problem.

Best Regards

Dec 04, 2023 10:03

I think it will require a bit of work Migrating EPiServerProfile to CMS version 12? | Optimizely Develo - i.e. you might have to migrate data to a table and use some ORM like EF to manage those data 

Dec 04, 2023 13:00

Oh, thats to bad. Well, I'll just start migrating.
Thank you! :)

Dec 04, 2023 13:57
This topic was created over six months ago and has been resolved. If you have a similar question, please create a new topic and refer to this one.
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