EPiServer.Marketing CMS 11 support



Does anybody know if the EPiServer.Marketing.* packages will get CMS 11 support in the forseeable future? 


Jan 03, 2018 13:13

Hi Espen,

I went to the Epi Nuget Feed and entered Marketing. I got these 11 results:


Can you tell us which of these packages you're asking about?

Jan 03, 2018 17:15

He is talking about EPiServer.Marketing.Testing.  We are running into this right now too.  It has a dependency on EPiServer.CMS.UI.Core < 11.0.0

Edited, Jan 03, 2018 18:46
<p>The development team has completed the changes required this week and will be releasing the package to QA in the next few days. I would expect to see the updated version on the NuGet feed in the next two weeks, barring any major issues.</p>
Jan 03, 2018 20:52

@bob: Was primarily thinking of EPiServer.Marketing.Testing and EPiServer.Marketing.KPI. 

@dick: Nice smile

Jan 04, 2018 12:50

Any status updates on this one? We have been waiting a loooong time now to be able to update our customerprojects to the latest release of CMS11. Do not think this was in mind when you set up the way of doing continues delivery every second week and has been almost two monthts since the release of cms11. Really need to have this like yesterday ;) Is it possible to get it into the prerelease feed in nuget? 

Jan 08, 2018 21:24

Hi Eric,

For status update: AB testing packages for CMS 11 are now testing and we are doing fast to make them release soon.

Jan 10, 2018 11:08

Thanks! I need of it next week  ;)

Jan 10, 2018 12:55

any update? Been some time since the cms11 release and 9 days since you said it was in testing. It is hard to follow your own principle of updating the platform when you do not have updated all modules months after the initial cms 11 release. 

Jan 19, 2018 12:27

Also hoping to see this fixed in the upcoming release.

PS: I don't get why Silverpop and Salesforces addons where prioritized before this one, which is used 10-20x times more often, according to nuget stats.

Jan 19, 2018 12:34

Hi, testing is done, these packages are going to release :)

Jan 19, 2018 12:46

Great :) When is this release planned?

Jan 19, 2018 12:48

It's now in releasing process, if nothing special happen, these packages will be avaiable early next week 

Jan 19, 2018 12:57

Release 198, including new EPiServer.Marketing.Testing and EPiServer.Marketing.KPIpackages, was just published.

Jan 22, 2018 18:19

Thanks, installed and ready for test and deploy tomorrow :)

Jan 22, 2018 21:56
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