New Add-on?


Hi All,

Over the last few feews I've been working on a new add-on. 10 days ago or so, I've subbmited it for a review via website. Since then I haven't heard back (despite sending a couple of emails to

Am I missing something here?



Sep 27, 2018 8:39

Hi thanks for contributing to the community!

All add-ons are reviewed before being approved. New add-ons get particular attention to ensure they are not breaking the rules of the Episerver Nuget feed. Can you let me know what your package was and what it does to see if I can follow this up internally?


Sep 27, 2018 10:09

Hi David,

Thanks for the prompt response.

It a ImageCrop add-on allowing editors to manipualte image at the page/block level.

Thanks, M

Sep 27, 2018 10:36
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