XLIFF exports via Languages add-on: special characters as entities



I'm not an Optimizely/Epi developer, but I instead work at a localization company. We often get XLIFF files from our clients that have been created with the Languages add-on.

The XLIFF files contain special characters as entities, so we see the words within them looking e.g. like this: kaukolämmön (--> kaukolämmön), where it seems that "ö" has first been turned into "ö" and then the ampersand has been converted into "&amp," so the character is "ö". We can handle this, but it is a bit cumbersome. Would anyone have tips how this could be avoided? Can we instruct our clients to do something to get tidier files from Languages add-on?

Sorry, I don't have version information here, but our latest case has started using Epi this year, so I assume it shouldn't be anything old.

Nov 25, 2021 13:22

Just a small additional bit of information: major part of the problem is that the XLIFF segments sometimes contain both entities and åäö as letters. That can happen even within the same source element, which makes handling at our end a bit more difficult.

Nov 25, 2021 13:30
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