Upgraded forms from 2.x to 4.81 ERROR EPiServer.Forms.Helpers.Internal.FormsExtensions


Currently in the works from upgrading from 9.4 to 10.10.4 (will make the jump to 11 once these bugs are resolved). Decided to upgrade forms as well. I didn't upgrade before due to changes that would have broke my custom form logic. Everything appears to be working fine on 4.8.1 except I keep getting the following error message in the logs

Getting the following error over and over again. Decompiled v4.81 and I don't see Internal.FormsExtensions however seems to load fine in Visual Studio. Anything I'm missing here? 

2018-01-24 15:56:53,233 [30] ERROR EPiServer.Forms.Helpers.Internal.FormsExtensions: cannot get all types from assembly System.ServiceModel.Syndication, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35.
System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Unable to load one or more of the requested types. Retrieve the LoaderExceptions property for more information.
at System.Reflection.RuntimeModule.GetTypes(RuntimeModule module)
at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes()
at EPiServer.Forms.Helpers.Internal.FormsExtensions.GetTypesFromAssembly(Assembly assembly)

Jan 24, 2018 22:32

The Internal.FormsExtensions namspace in Forms.Core dll. It seems the method assembly.GetTypes() throw an exception for the assembly System.ServiceModel.Syndication, Version= But I cannot find that nuget package which contains it. Where do you get that assembly? Could you try to clear ASP.NET temp folder and refresh site?

Jan 25, 2018 10:27

Haven't maintained this program in years sorry! I beleive that's an RSS library we added and thought the error was being thrown by the Forms library itself! It was looking for version 5.0.5 but running 4.6.1 I don't see System.ServiceModel.Syndication version 5.0.5 only 4.0.0. Any idea why EPiServer is trying to load version 5 of this library? 

Just checked and looks like the RSS pages are working fine so not sure why this is getting thrown 

Edited, Jan 25, 2018 16:43
<p>Forms find types from all your application dll. Here is how it does:</p> <p></p> <pre class="brush:csharp;auto-links:false;toolbar:false" contenteditable="false">var domainAssembly = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() .Where(a =&gt; !a.IsDynamicAssembly()) // ignore proxy classes of StructureMap, ... .SelectMany(a =&gt; GetTypesFromAssembly(a));</pre> <p>Don't know why your application load that version of assembly. Can you try remove the assembly from GAC, see <a href="https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/app-domains/how-to-remove-an-assembly-from-the-gac">https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/app-domains/how-to-remove-an-assembly-from-the-gac</a></p>
Jan 26, 2018 3:36

Hi, we have the same issue with assembly Microsoft.ReportViewer.Common, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91

Logs are full with useless errors.

EPiServer has a config file where some assemblies can be excluded from scanning

Why Forms package ignores this rules?

Jul 27, 2018 11:26

Where the package which contains Microsoft.ReportViewer.Common.dll? Can you send your packages.config? I'll try to reproduce this issue on my machine?

Jul 30, 2018 9:55

<package id="Microsoft.Report.Viewer" version="" targetFramework="net471" />

Jul 30, 2018 14:04

I have created a bug AFORM-1765 for investigation. Thanks for the information.

Aug 02, 2018 5:06

Hi, I have tried to reproduce your issue with AlloyMVC template. But the issue is not happening. Please check if it have correct version in your bin folder and try to remove dll from GAC.

Aug 03, 2018 5:09
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