Localize name of ElementBlock that has the same name as a default ElementBlock but different namespace?


I have created a "custom" elementblock called TextElementBlock that uses my own namespace (MyProject.Elements.TextElementBlock), however this inherits from the EPiServer Forms default elementblock thast also named "TextElementBlock".. now I want to localize my TextElementBlocks name to for instance "Text element", but from my understanding the format of the lang-files does not allow this, or do they?

from what I know there is no way to specify a namespace or something for the contenttypes in the contenttypes-xml-element.

So for instance this:




<name>Text element</name>




Should translate both the "standard" TextElementBlock and my custom one to "Text element", since Im not definying any namespace or which textelementblock.

However.. what happens is that this translation gets fully ignored and instead my custom TextElementBlock gets the name of "TextElementBlock(1)".. which makes even less sense to me..

So the question boils down to:
How could I set a translation for a custom ElementBlock that shares the same name as any already existing ElementBlock (but they both have different namespaces)?

Edited, Mar 18, 2020 14:31

Currently, the Core (CMS) does not support localize the content type with same name but in different namespace as I know. Forms Elements are content type, so they will be not supported.

Mar 26, 2020 7:48
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