Multi-page form page displays all steps on all pages



I am having an issue with an Optimizely Form I'm hoping to use as a proof of concept. Right now it is a 2 step form. The first step is on one page that has the entire form in a content area and the second step is setup to be on a child page of the same type in the same content area property. So, both pages have the same form in the same content area. Anyway, the first step just has a multiple choice question and the second step has two rich text properties that both conditionally display based on the answer to the first multiple choice answer. 

Each form step has their "Display step in other content" property set to the desired page and on the Form Container: "Allow anonymous submissions", "Allow multiple submissions from the same IP/cookie", "Show navigation bar if the form has multiple steps", and "Allow access to form data through the service API" are set to True. 

The behavior I see is that on the first page, the entire form shows even though it should only show the first step. There is a navigation bar at the bottom and I can go to the next step. If I go to the next step, I get the entire form again, on the second page. The form is empty, even if I entered in content on the last step. I can go back and forth between the steps.

The issue seems to be in the console:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'Forms')
    at initializeOnRenderingFormDescriptor (GetFormInitScript?formGuid=<guid>&formLanguage=en:7:41)
    at GetFormInitScript?formGuid=<guid>&formLanguage=en:38:3

Overall I'm hoping to get it set up so each step is only displayed on the page it is supposed to be displayed on.



Edited, Jun 01, 2022 19:52

Please confirm that the form steps are properly configured to show each step in separate page (see below doc for more info)

Jul 12, 2022 2:18
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