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Trouble deleting items



Having some issue with deleting items from the index. I'm attaching to the ImageVault DeleteFileEvent and was hoping to do a delete of the item from the index. I'm able to run the code for deleting directly twards the id of the document. But as I would rather let Find create its own id (don't know if the fileId in IV is unique) so was hoping to be able to use the method with matching a critera but trying that I can't even compile the code.. Am I missing a using for a helper or?

client.Delete<Document>(e.ID); <--- this works 

client.Delete<Document>(x => x.Id.Match(e.ID));  <--- this doesn't complie


Jan 30, 2013 11:11


That should work (using the EPiServer.Find-namespace). What is the compilation error? Is there an Id property on Document?




Jan 30, 2013 12:42

hahaha.. well that was embarrassing wasn't using EPiServer.Find.. 

Jan 30, 2013 13:50
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