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Async API


In my case I have to run multiple request to populate data I need.

Request are independent and can be run in parallel.

How can I achieve parallel request execution? Does find client has any support for that?

Mar 28, 2014 17:30

You should be able to use MultiSearch for this. Check out this blog

Mar 28, 2014 17:56


MultiSearch is not an option. EPiServer ES instance fails:) if I use skip/from:




Mar 28, 2014 22:35

And, anyway, GetResultAsyc() that wraps HttpWebRequest.GetResponseAsync() version is extremely needed.

We are quering external service, and that would be nice to do that call in async manner without blocking calling thread. 


It is time of async/await approach and .net 4.5.

Edited, Mar 28, 2014 22:42

Actually, is it correct behaviour that multisearch doesn't support paging?

Mar 28, 2014 23:33


Multisearch supports paging.

The validationerror you expirienced earlier was a bug and has been resolved in the backend.

Best Regards,


Apr 01, 2014 16:14

Thank you, again:)

Apr 01, 2014 17:55
This topic was created over six months ago and has been resolved. If you have a similar question, please create a new topic and refer to this one.
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