TermsFacetFor for case insensitive


I am using TermsFacetFor to create a facet,
 MyFilter.TermsFacetFor(x => x.MyField, facet => facet.Size = 25).

In the EPiFind, my data for MyField is some thing like 
for product1 > "Paperback"

for product2 > "paperback".

Now both string are same only differnce is in terms of the case. TermFacetFor creates 2 different facets.

How can do that it should be consider as single item?

MyTermsFacetsForWordsIn is works fine but it creates 2 terms if we have space in field, e.g. value for MyField : "Digital Download" then terms "Digital", "Download"

Many Thanks
Dipak Salve

Aug 27, 2014 13:47

For your second query http://world.episerver.com/Modules/Forum/Pages/Thread.aspx?id=89570&epslanguage=en


Aug 29, 2014 11:00
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