Weird excerpt when indexing old word .doc documents


I'm having trouble with weird results when indexing old .doc Word documents. docx works fine, but the doc files all appear like this in the search results:

���� � ���NAMN PŠDOKUMENT�Datum�Beteckning�����2015-01-01� �Sida � PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT �1� (� NUMPAGES \* MERGEFORMAT �1�) ���� ���� ���� ��

Has anyone got this to work? We're on EPiServer 7.13 and Find 8.8 if it matters. The Excerpt field is set with

conventions.ProjectExcerptUsing(spec =>
    doc => doc.SearchAttachment().AsCropped(spec.ExcerptLength)

Any help appreciated. Cheers.

Feb 04, 2015 13:21
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