Episerver Find and ServiceApi Conflict


Hi everyone,

I'm using episerver find and I just add ServiceApi to the project. Since then UnifiedSearch stops working. I've compared the requests , and the only difference is that whenever I have serviceapi in my project, in the fillter I have following term in filter

"term": {
    "UsersWithReadAccess$$string.lowercase": ""
"terms": {
    "RolesWithReadAccess$$string": []

and it should be like following to work:

    "term": {
        "UsersWithReadAccess$$string.lowercase": "msh"
    "terms": {
        "RolesWithReadAccess$$string": [

Does anyone have any Idea how to fix this?

Jun 29, 2017 0:07

Any resolution on this? I'm seeing a similar request using EPiServer.Find 13.01,EPiServer.ServiceApi 4.2.1, and EPiServer.ServiceApi.Commerce 4.2.1. I'm having trouble narrowing down why my results aren't showing in Find/Boost and noticed the difference in the request.

May 14, 2018 22:09
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.