Indexing custom data with language support - EPiServer Find v13


Hi Everyone, 

I'm looking for some advice on an issue I'm facing please.

I am in the middle of writing MultiUnifiedSearch that searches over 3 different categories of content currently - Content | Products | Support

For two of these tabs ('Products' and 'Support') I am actually searching for the same content type in Find to display the results - both display ProductContent in their results - the only difference being that for the 'Products' results we display the ProductContent type as a product (with shop link, pricing info etc), and the ProductContent in the 'Support' search is displayed as an article, with a different link, description text and even title. 

The reason I'm in this situation is because I am displaying support information for each product, off of a separate action on the product controller - removing the need for editors to create a separate CMS page for support data.

I have looked into potentially hooking into the on save event of the products, and creating a custom object based off of the product data, and then indexing that  in Find - with the aim to then search for that as part of the 'Support' search, but I can't see how I can get this to work with language support. 

Can anyone provide any further details on how I could achieve this, or provide an alternative approach perhaps? 



Oct 09, 2018 19:19
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