Using Find in a non episerver application


Hi All,

I'm building a bot based on the ms bot framework and i'd like to be able to connect to our Find index.

I added the Episerver Find Nuget package to the project and configured the app settings to connect to the index

The issue I have is that all of the search objects require a type when searching .. for example:

var searchResult = client.Search()

This example requires the type of "BlogPost"

Is what I am trying to do possible or does it need to be linked with the CMS?

Any help, much appreciated.



Mar 29, 2018 4:57

You can use Find without Episerver absolutly!

If you do not want to use the typed search then you should use Unified Search, read more here:

A good way to learn is to look at Allans exampels here, where you can see how he use it in a non epi solution

Good luck!

Mar 29, 2018 8:05

You can use Find without Episerver absolutly!

If you do not want to use the typed search then you should use Unified Search, read more here:

A good way to learn is to look at Allans exampels here, where you can see how he use it in a non epi solution

Good luck!

Mar 29, 2018 8:05

Thanks Henrik, much appreciated!

Apr 04, 2018 1:07

Just to help others out, I managed to get this working and the bot app can talk to the index but there were a few quirks.

As the indexing is done by the main episerver site with find I needed to create a class in the external application with the same name space as the content type in the main site.

for example in the external application:

// use the namespace of the main episerver site 

namespace MyEpiProject.Base.PageTypes
public class ContentPage
public string PageName { get; set; }
public string PageSummary { get; set; }



Then use it in the external application as:

var client = new Client("<your epi find URL>", "<Your epi find index name");

var result = client.Search<ContentPage>().For("Your keyword").Select(x => new ContentPage(){PageName = x.PageName, PageSummary = x.PageSummary}).GetResult();

Without this I would get 0 results regardless. 

Hope it helps someone!

Apr 05, 2018 7:52

That is true, since when you search for a specfic type then it will use the whole namespace to identify it.

One thing, create the client with .CreateFromConfig() instead.

Apr 05, 2018 8:07
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