Found the problem. It was ContentDeliveryAPI that caused the issue. It has dependency to EPiServer.Find.Cms (>= 12.7.1 && < 13.0.0) this has the impact of you are only able to work with content api for the specific version 12.7.1 for episerver find since version 13.0.0 do not exist ;)
Seems you have missed something in the nuget dependency since Find cant update cause of the constraints, see below. Is there a solution or do we need to uninstall and reinstall the nuget to make it work?
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error Unable to resolve dependencies. 'EPiServer.Find 13.0.1' is not compatible with 'EPiServer.Find.Cms 13.0.1 constraint: EPiServer.Find (= 13.0.1)'.