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Episerver Find How to index pages with no template



I am relatively new with working with Find so sorry if this might be a stupid question :) 

I am currently working on a project where we have implemented Episerver Find and we have a PageType that works for holding information regarding a contact, but this page does not have a view so it is not possible to actually navigate to it. It's purpose is to fetch data for a list page and therefore we don't seem to get any search hits when searching on a specific contact. And customer wants to of course be able to search for contatcs as well.

So i am wondering if there is any way to include pages in the searchresult that are not able to actually navigate to?

So far we have a standard Epi find installation no custom indexing features and etc. 

Happy for any help!:) 

Jan 31, 2019 10:28

This should be indexed by default, have you checked the index via editmode -> Find-UI in explore? If you do not get these pages when you are querying for them, you should check if you use any filters that may exclude them, ie FilterForVisitor.

Feb 01, 2019 14:59

Thanks for your answer Andreas! I seem to be able to find the pages i am looking in the Find-UI thats good to know. I guess i need to rewrite my find request a little since i do not get these pages in the searchresult.

Thanks for yout help.

Feb 04, 2019 10:34
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