Episerver Find React Faceting



I have been doing some research into using episerver find with some front-end javascript frameworks.

One solution I came across was this example from SearchKit.

In the documentation it is possible to to connect searchkit to an elastic search instance.

I was wondering if anyone has attempted to integrate searchkit into an episerver find solution?



Jul 23, 2019 9:06

No but all of our find searches are doing in Angular and Vue. 

The thing is Episerver Find IS elasticsearch but the APIs and extra functionallity are wrappers around it so you need to use the Find C# APIs. The best thing to do as we have done is create WebAPI endpoints for your searches with everything done as standard with C# and .NET then just consume the APIs in whatever front end stack you like.

Jul 23, 2019 10:41

Hi Scott,

Yeah this is what i imagined we would have had to do.

However i Episerver is built on Elasticsearch as per documentation here.

I suppose i am looking for a quick solution and probably just need to create a POC to prove my thoughts.



Jul 23, 2019 10:51

Yes, Find is built on top of elastic search. So the Find Layer that sits above it adds a lot of the functionallity you paid for from find such as

  • Best Bets
  • Synonyms
  • Auto Complete
  • Tracking
  • Personalization

These are all setup in the Episerver Find Admin or in code (or a combination of both). So to you these features you need to use the .NET Find API. If you want something simple a POC just install the Alloy Demo using the Episerver VS extension which comes with Find Examples out the box. Just move those models to an API and you'll have a functioning Find search you can integration with frontend SPA framework. Shouldn't take long.

Or there's also https://github.com/episerver/AlloyReact which is a react version of Alloy. I've not looked at it but the search by have been ported to this type of mechanism.

Jul 23, 2019 10:58

I also thing there's a few other commerce focused demos built using SPA and with the new SPA CMS editing features enabled that are part of the offical demos although I can't remember where they are.

Jul 23, 2019 10:59

Hi Scott,

I'll take a look at those examples.

Yeah i see now that those features add a lot of benefit and need considered during the build.



Jul 23, 2019 11:39
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