Mocking IPageCriteriaQueryService


Hi all


I'm trying to mock IPageCriteriaQueryService with RhinoMocks. At the moment I've got this (failing code)

            // Create a mock repository
            var mockRepository = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IPageCriteriaQueryService>();

            //.. setup stubs
            mockRepository.Stub(x => x.FindPagesWithCriteria(Arg<PageReference>.Is.Anything, Arg<PropertyCriteriaCollection>.Is.Anything)).Return(new PageDataCollection());

// mock service locator
             var mockLocator = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IServiceLocator>();
            mockLocator.Stub(x => x.GetInstance<T>()).Return(mockRepository);

    But it fails when setting up the mocks. It seems to want a language to be set i.e. this line in the stack trace - EPiServer.Globalization.ContentLanguage.get_PreferredCulture()

The full trace is

   at EPiServer.BaseLibrary.ClassFactory.get_Instance()
   at EPiServer.Globalization.ContentLanguage.get_PreferredCulture()
   at EPiServer.Core.PageCriteriaQueryServiceExtensions.FindPagesWithCriteria(IPageCriteriaQueryService queryService, PageReference pageLink, PropertyCriteriaCollection criterias)
   at NitbWebNUnit.Setup.ServiceLocatorSetup.<InitPageQueryService>b__3(IPageCriteriaQueryService x) in c:\code\NITB\Cds.Nitb.Web.NUnit\Setup\ServiceLocatorSetup.cs:line 68
   at Rhino.Mocks.RhinoMocksExtensions.Expect[T,R](T mock, Function`2 action)
   at Rhino.Mocks.RhinoMocksExtensions.Stub[T,R](T mock, Function`2 action)
   at NitbWebNUnit.Setup.ServiceLocatorSetup.InitPageQueryService() in c:\code\NITB\Cds.Nitb.Web.NUnit\Setup\ServiceLocatorSetup.cs:line 68
   at NitbWebNUnit.TidiMigrationTest.CanMigrateOneRecord() in c:\code\NITB\Cds.Nitb.Web.NUnit\TidiMigrationTest.cs:line 16

Can anyone cast any light on this.

Many thanks for any/all help

Tim B



Dec 11, 2013 16:17

The method you are trying to mock is not actully on the interface but is an extension method to the interface. Try mock method with following signature instead:

EPiServer.Core.PageDataCollection FindPagesWithCriteria(EPiServer.Core.PageReference pageLink, PropertyCriteriaCollection criterias, string languageBranch, EPiServer.Core.ILanguageSelector selector)

Dec 11, 2013 17:12

That's worked!! I would not have got that at all. I had to change the signature of FindPagesWithCriteria to include the languageBranch string but that's not a problem.


Thank you for that

Dec 12, 2013 14:55
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