Dinamic content loaded in drop down list


Hi guys,


I am quite new to Episerver and at this moment it's hard for me to quickly find what I want in it because of my lack of experience. I need you help regarding a problem I have and didn't managed to find a solution for it for several hours today and it's becoming very frustrating for me. I am trying to somehow load dynamically content in a drop down list in episerver, like the children of a page in site.

I want to have the possibility for a user on a page to choose from a property (drop down list or check box list) a color/colors from a list that comes from under a parent in a global folder. So the user has the possibility to also add extra colors to that global folder that will appear in the drop down after creation when he goes back to that page.

So my main problem is to find a property on which I can in a way to add the path or id to a parent page so that the content of that property (drop down/check box list) to be the children of that specific page.


Is this possible with the standard properties episerver has or I have to code something custom to achieve this kind of functionality?


ps:I am not sure if you got it, and understand what I want to do but if you don't I can maybe give a better example or try to explain more.




Mar 15, 2013 16:35

Do I understand you correctly with what you need is the possibility to create a property that will render some key/value pairs (colors on this case) for the editor to select from? And that the editor can easily set those key/value pairs? If that´s the case one option is to use property settings, the editor can then easily add new key/values for that property in admin mode, you can also set it by code.

Hope this helps.


Mar 15, 2013 17:42

Ok, I tried that but it doesn't help me too much, my problem is what happens if I have more info to take from that instead of a key/value.

Let's say If I have the following structure in my EpiServer:







        |-Demo 1

        |-Demo 2

             |-Child 1

             |-Child 2

             |-Child 3


Is there a way to make a property to be added on "Page" page and it will point to "Demo 2" page and it will list all the children of "Demo 2" page so that the editor can choose from: "Child 1", "Child 2" and "Child 3" ?


I saw there is a property Content Item and also a Page one but that doesn't help me too much as I want to have just the children of the Demo 2 page in a drop down list (single selection) or as a list of check boxes (multiple selection) and then from my c# code to process the info I store on the selected page.



Adrian C.


Mar 15, 2013 20:28
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