Alloy site go live testing (Runtime error)


Hi there, 

I have setup the sample Alloy site and transfer it to the web server(make it go live). 

But after I done the transfering and trying to open it in the browser, the following error shows up: 

Server Error in '/MyEPiServerSite' Application.

Runtime Error

Description: An application error occurred on the server. The current custom error settings for this application prevent the details of the application error from being viewed remotely (for security reasons). It could, however, be viewed by browsers running on the local server machine. 

Details: To enable the details of this specific error message to be viewable on remote machines, please create a <customErrors> tag within a "web.config" configuration file located in the root directory of the current web application. This <customErrors> tag should then have its "mode" attribute set to "Off".

<!-- Web.Config Configuration File -->

        <customErrors mode="Off"/>

Notes: The current error page you are seeing can be replaced by a custom error page by modifying the "defaultRedirect" attribute of the application's <customErrors> configuration tag to point to a custom error page URL.

<!-- Web.Config Configuration File -->

        <customErrors mode="RemoteOnly" defaultRedirect="mycustompage.htm"/>


Does anyone knows what is happening? 

I created the Alloy site in my computer, and the physical path is E:\EPiServer\Sites\MyEPiServerSite,

and I can open the site locally by entering http://localhost:17000.

But after I created a sub folder under my root web server called MyEPiServer, and transferred all the files from local folderE:\EPiServer\Sites\MyEPiServerSite completely to there, then fail to open the site by entering [mydomain]/MyEpiServerSite

(*[mydomain] is the domain name I am using) . 


Anyone can help with this? 


Apr 16, 2013 13:46

Getting the actual error would be your first step... Either turn custom errors off or view the site on the server.

When launching a new site, the most common error is either a database connection string error, or it doesn't have write access to EPiServerFramework.config (either access rights or the file is read-only).

But I'd first start with getting the actual error.

Apr 16, 2013 15:53

Hi Chris,

Thanks for your reply.  

Yes you are right. 

I got those error probably because I did not match the domain name and the path correctly, and now I get it right.

Please access : , then you can see the error message there. 


Server Error in '/' Application.

Configuration Error

Description: An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. Please review the specific error details below and modify your configuration file appropriately. 

Parser Error Message: An error occurred loading a configuration file: Access to the path 'h:\root\home\xguo22-001\www\\myepiserversite\55uym0u2.tmp' is denied.

Source Error: 

[No relevant source lines]

Source File: h:\root\home\xguo22-001\www\\myepiserversite\EPiServerFramework.config    Line: 

Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:4.0.30319; ASP.NET Version:4.0.30319.18033



It seems something wrong with the EPiServerFramework.config file??? 

How should I edit it? Can you give me some hints? I really have no idea about this. 


Apr 16, 2013 16:22

The below is my EPiServerFramework.config file , how should I edit it? 




<scanAssembly forceBinFolderScan="true" />
<siteHosts siteId="MyEPiServerSite">
<add name="*" language="en" />
<add name="xinpei-pc:17000" />
<add key="/LM/W3SVC/2/ROOT:XINPEI-PC" siteId="MyEPiServerSite" />
<add key="/LM/W3SVC/3/ROOT:XINPEI-PC" siteId="MyEPiServerSite" />
<clear />
<add virtualPath="~/MyEPiServerSite/" physicalPath="[appDataPath]\Modules"
name="ProtectedAddons" type="EPiServer.Web.Hosting.VirtualPathNonUnifiedProvider, EPiServer.Framework" />
<add showInFileManager="true" virtualName="Page Files" virtualPath="~/PageFiles/"
bypassAccessCheck="false" indexingServiceCatalog="Web" useRouting="true"
customFileSummary="~/FileSummary.config" name="SitePageFiles"
type="EPiServer.Web.Hosting.VirtualPathVersioningProvider, EPiServer" />
<add showInFileManager="true" virtualName="Global Files" virtualPath="~/Global/"
bypassAccessCheck="false" indexingServiceCatalog="Web" useRouting="true"
customFileSummary="~/FileSummary.config" name="SiteGlobalFiles"
type="EPiServer.Web.Hosting.VirtualPathVersioningProvider, EPiServer" />
<add showInFileManager="true" virtualName="Documents" virtualPath="~/Documents/"
bypassAccessCheck="false" maxVersions="5" useRouting="true"
customFileSummary="~/FileSummary.config" name="SiteDocuments"
type="EPiServer.Web.Hosting.VirtualPathVersioningProvider, EPiServer" />
<add virtualPath="~/App_Themes/Default/" physicalPath="C:\Program Files (x86)\EPiServer\CMS\7.0.586.1\application\App_Themes\Default"
useRouting="true" name="App_Themes_Default" type="EPiServer.Web.Hosting.VirtualPathNonUnifiedProvider, EPiServer.Framework" />
<add virtualPath="~/MyEPiServerSite/CMS/" physicalPath="C:\Program Files (x86)\EPiServer\CMS\7.0.586.1\application\UI\CMS"
name="UI" type="EPiServer.Web.Hosting.VirtualPathNonUnifiedProvider, EPiServer.Framework" />
<add virtualPath="~/Util/" physicalPath="C:\Program Files (x86)\EPiServer\CMS\7.0.586.1\application\util"
name="UtilFiles" type="EPiServer.Web.Hosting.VirtualPathNonUnifiedProvider, EPiServer.Framework" />
<add virtualPath="~/WebServices/" physicalPath="C:\Program Files (x86)\EPiServer\CMS\7.0.586.1\application\webservices"
name="WebServiceFiles" type="EPiServer.Web.Hosting.VirtualPathNonUnifiedProvider, EPiServer.Framework" />
<add virtualPath="~/MyEPiServerSite/EPiTrace" physicalPath="C:\Program Files (x86)\EPiServer\CMS\7.0.586.1\Install\Modules\EPiTrace\Application\EPiTrace"
name="EPiTrace" type="EPiServer.Web.Hosting.VirtualPathNonUnifiedProvider, EPiServer.Framework" />
<add virtualPath="~/CMOWebServices" physicalPath="C:\Program Files (x86)\EPiServer\CMS\7.0.586.1\Install\Modules\CMO7.0.518.1\CMO\..\CmoWebServices"
name="CMOWebServices" type="EPiServer.Web.Hosting.VirtualPathNonUnifiedProvider, EPiServer.Framework" />
<add virtualPath="~/CMO" physicalPath="C:\Program Files (x86)\EPiServer\CMS\7.0.586.1\Install\Modules\CMO7.0.518.1\CMO"
name="CMO" type="EPiServer.Web.Hosting.VirtualPathNonUnifiedProvider, EPiServer.Framework" />
<virtualRoles replacePrincipal="true">
<add name="Administrators" type="EPiServer.Security.WindowsAdministratorsRole, EPiServer.Framework" />
<add name="Everyone" type="EPiServer.Security.EveryoneRole, EPiServer.Framework" />
<add name="Authenticated" type="EPiServer.Security.AuthenticatedRole, EPiServer.Framework" />
<add name="Anonymous" type="EPiServer.Security.AnonymousRole, EPiServer.Framework" />
<add roles="WebAdmins, Administrators" mode="Any" name="PackagingAdmins"
type="EPiServer.Security.MappedRole, EPiServer.Framework" />
<add roles="WebAdmins, Administrators" mode="Any" name="CmsAdmins"
type="EPiServer.Security.MappedRole, EPiServer.Framework" />
<add roles="WebEditors" mode="Any" name="CmsEditors" type="EPiServer.Security.MappedRole, EPiServer.Framework" />
<add name="Creator" type="EPiServer.Security.CreatorRole, EPiServer" />
<add name="CmoUsers" type="EPiServer.Cmo.Cms.Security.CmoUsersRole, EPiServer.Cmo.Cms" />
<add name="CmoAdmins" type="EPiServer.Cmo.Cms.Security.CmoAdminsRole, EPiServer.Cmo.Cms" />
<localization fallbackBehavior="Echo, MissingMessage, FallbackCulture"
<add virtualPath="~/Resources/LanguageFiles" name="languageFiles"
type="EPiServer.Framework.Localization.XmlResources.FileXmlLocalizationProvider, EPiServer.Framework" />
<geolocation defaultProvider="maxmind">
<add databaseFileName="C:\Program Files (x86)\EPiServer\Framework\7.0.859.1\Geolocation\GeoLiteCity.dat"
name="maxmind" type="EPiServer.Personalization.Providers.MaxMind.GeolocationProvider, EPiServer.ApplicationModules" />
<appData basePath="E:\EPiServer\VPP\MyEPiServerSite" />

Apr 16, 2013 16:26

If you've checked the access rights for the config files like suggested then:

That error generally indicates that the site hasn't been compiled. Check to see if you have any dll's in you bin folder.

Edited, Apr 17, 2013 12:25

Hi Ben Mckernan, 


Yes, I checked the bin folder and there is some dll files there. 

So can you give me any other idea?


Apr 17, 2013 14:07

I'm guess that this is a duplicate thread and your issue has been solved here:

In any case. Make sure EPiServer is installed on the webserver.

Apr 18, 2013 12:58
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