TinyMCE configuration




I try to setup my TinyMCE configuration through code because we need to be sure that those configuration will be apply on all the environnements and also because we need to setup different fields with different options.

So I have try with this:

   AlwaysEnabled = false,

        PlugInName = "OptimizedEditor",

        DisplayName = "Custom editor init options",

        Description = "Loads custom editor init options.",

        EditorInitConfigurationOptions = @"{

        paste_auto_cleanup_on_paste : true,

        valid_elements : ""a[href],strong/b,em/i,br,ul,ol,li,-h2,-h3,-h4,-h5,-h6,-p"",

        theme_advanced_blockformats : ""h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,p"",

        theme_advanced_resizing : false,

        body_class : ""module-text""



    public class OptimizedEditor



After that I have try to apply this plugin to my MainBody field manually through the interface but my editor is empty if I do that? Why is it empty??? And after that how can I apply this plugin on a field through code?




May 10, 2013 8:52


Yes it help a lot thank you I am now able to create my plugin and activate it manually into the admin page on a specific field.

Now the latest question is how can I activate this plugin on a specific field through code? Do I need to use the BackingType decorator or something like this?

And also another very small problem into the admin on the list of plugins I don't have a name on this specific plugin I just have the checkbox. I have set the PlugInName, DisplayName, Description attributes but it is still empty...

Thank you,



Edited, May 13, 2013 7:47
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