Remove Specific Pages From Search


Hi All

I am using the Alloy Tech MVC site as a base for my project, and I have implemented the search exactly as is from that site. However I want to be able to remove certain pages from the search. I noticed that the SitePageData type has a property for 'DisableIndexing', I assumed that this would mean these pages where skipped when the search index was generated but they are still appearing in the results. Is there something else that needs to be implemented to make this work or could anyone else recommend a good way of doing this?

I am trying to avoid having to grab all my results and then looping through checking for a particular property and pulling out the results that I dont want as this seems quite a slow way of doing it.

Many Thanks

Jul 24, 2013 16:56

If your project is based off Alloy, then I'm guessing you are using EPiServer.Search. If so, check out the ISearchable interface for your ContentType classes (

Aug 01, 2013 17:57
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