Global blocks disappears from other languages


I'm building a multilanguage (swedish and english) site and have some global blocks. When I create a block in english, it can also be used on a swedish page, so all ok here. But when I create the block in swedish, it cannot be used on a english site. It's not visible in the assets pane.

Same thing when creating folders in the assets pane


Aug 29, 2013 16:22

If you are using the 7.1 UI upgrade you should be able to translate both folders and blocks to be able to use them for several languages. Although there is no direct link in the UI, it should be also be possible to enable language fallbacks by loading the settings page directly with the block root, for instance:



Aug 29, 2013 17:11

Ok, thanks. That works, but I can see a big problem here. When releasing this site, it will have over 20 different languages. And the langsettings does only allow you to have maximum 3 fallback languages.

So, for example. If I setup english fallback to swedish, german and french. And a spanish editor creates a global block, how can that be used on the english site?

Aug 29, 2013 17:24

I guess that site visitors for a specific language would normally not understand content created in more than a few of the other language. If you have content that should be shared across all language perhaps this can be solved by creating a specific "all languages" folder under the block root, create blocks in a given language, for instance english. Then you can set upp fallback rules for all languages to english.

We have been discussing the option to have an additional language setting that would enable "Fallback to master language" which would mean that content created under that node would be available to all languages. Due to time constrains we have decided to not include this in the next release but it would be interesting to know if you are able to solve this with the current options or if you really would want the "fallback to master language" option.

Aug 29, 2013 18:09

We will have english as fallback for all languages. But the problem as I see it is that I can't even see the created block if someone from another country has created it. If a norweigan editor creates a block, a swedish editor will not even see it in the assets pane.

Is it possible to setup restrictions so global blocks can only be created in english?

Aug 30, 2013 10:24

Try removing all language but english for the block root (or a specific folder). In theory it should remove the option to create new blocks in other languages in english.

Aug 30, 2013 11:33

That would force the blocks to be created in english, which is great, but the blocks will not be available on other languages than english. I still want everyone to be able to use the blocks.

I guess this is just something we need to live with and inform editors that blocks should only be created in english

Aug 30, 2013 12:01

You would have to switch the "Show content not in [language]" setting for the block gadget. Then you will be able to see the english/language inspecific blocks.

Currently this setting is not sticky but we have plans to fix this in the next release if we have time.

Aug 30, 2013 13:45

Linus, in EPiServer 7.5 to be able to translate blocks is it still the "official" and only way to access language settings for "content assets" folder with this link:

[site url]EPiServer/CMS/Edit/LanguageSettings.aspx?id=4 

So there is no other way to define or more like acccess the language settings for blocks? Of course I could just define the language settings in root, that would handle the case, but do I get some side effects from that that I should take into account`?

Jan 27, 2015 13:20

Yes, there is still no really official way to control this, so using a direct URL to access the settings page for a folder or block is still the only way to do this (unless you want to work directly against the language settings API:s).

Jan 29, 2015 14:37
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