Cannot empty trash



Im working in a project wich are upgrade from EPiServer 6 R2 to EPiServer 7.1. I've noticed now after the upgrade that I cannot empty the trash. I get this error message after a while:

"Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding"

Anyone knows how to fix this or manually empty the trash?

Feb 12, 2014 13:14


I don't have access to an EPi7 db for the moment but in EPi6 there is a stored procedure called editDeleteChilds which may be useful; I believe it is used by the empty wastebasket function under the hood. See if you can find it and write a script running it on all pages with the wastebasket as parent. Might work :)



Feb 13, 2014 9:21
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