root undefined language


An editor has read-access to the entire page tree but editor-access only to a small part of the site. EPiServer 7.0.586.24.


The problem is that the tree-structure is not visible with padlocks on the other pages, instead she sees only the word undefined on the root and nothing more.

The cause may be that the root-page is created only in english and her language is swedish. All other pages except the root-page are defined in the swedish language. Globalization is off and the only allowed language is swedish. Editors with editor-access to the entire tree does not have this problem.

We have tried to enable english and set it as fallback-language on the root page with no success.

How can we solve this? Is it possible to create the root-page in swedish?

// Patric


Apr 16, 2014 9:12
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