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Unable to find a module by assembly 'EPiServer.Labs.LanguageManager


Hi everybody this is might be a stupid question but what is EPiServer.Labs.LanguageManager?  

I got an error below when run application

Unable to find a module by assembly 'EPiServer.Labs.LanguageManager, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'
Parameter name: moduleAssembly

Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. 

Exception Details: System.ArgumentException: Unable to find a module by assembly 'EPiServer.Labs.LanguageManager, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'
Parameter name: moduleAssembly

Source Error: 

[No relevant source lines]

Source File: c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\Temporary ASP.NET Files\root\151a0da9\bf6d0241\App_global.asax.zlutdxzo.0.cs    Line: 0 

How to fix it?

Sep 09, 2014 12:05

That is the episerver languages add on. I'm guessing you are missing it from your modules folder. 

Sep 09, 2014 12:31

Hi Per, I cannot log in cms right now and cannot run application so where can i download episerver languages add on and config it to work with application?

Sep 09, 2014 12:58

Try removing EPiServer.Labs.LanguageManager.dll from your modulesbin directory in order to get back into the cms

Sep 09, 2014 13:53


Late answer, but for reference sake:

Your path to the AppData folder is probably wrong. Check the file EPiServerFramework.config

Mar 31, 2016 10:34
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