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Azure & Distribute changes between instances



We are hosting our episerver 7.5 site on Azure and have discovered some issues with content not being spread to all the instances.

Some pages that are being published or being created doesnt show up for all users/visitors.

It seems like it depends on which instances that receives the request. 

(The web app have scaling on with a minimum of 2 instances (up to 10))

Can i somehow make the instances listen to eachother for changes?

Ive looked at RemoteEventListener but it seems like it need the IP in webconfig and i have no controll over that on Azure.

And also different webconfigs for different instances wich isnt possible either.

Any clues on how i should proceed?



Apr 28, 2015 15:40

Hi Marcus,

Please look at the documentation for deploying to Azure web sites, it mentions that you need to use the Azure event provider [0].



Apr 28, 2015 17:41


Thanks for the response.

Ive been over that documentation and everthing seems to have been set up as that. Ive got the service bus up and running and can see some topics on it in the azure portal.

Not sure what else to look for to make sure the events are used.

Only solution ive got so far is to reboot the site.



Apr 28, 2015 21:48

Hi Marcus,

You can enable debug logging for the EPiServer.Events namespace and see what's happening behind the scenes.

<logger name="EPiServer.Events" additivity="true">
<level value="Debug" />

Remember to set the threshold value to debug to allow debug messages through:

<appender name="errorFileLogAppender" type="log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender" >
<threshold value="Debug" />

Apr 28, 2015 22:51
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