Where do I put a XSLT file for reference from a class?


Sorry for the newbish (*) question, but we are in the process of building a html sitemap. We already use the excellent SEO.SiteMaps plugin to generate an xml sitemap, so instead of creating my own from scratch (a task fraught with peril if browsing the source of the aforementioned plugin) I was thinking of reusing SEO.SiteMaps to generate an alternate format. As the plugin does not itself seem to be pluggable (pun intended), the thought being to just specify an alternate output processing class, I thought I could rather just work with the output directly using XSLT to transform the XML into HTML. Meaning I would just create a stream of /sitemap.xml and pipe it into my processor.

After some tinkering in the console using

xsltproc transformation.xslt sitemap.xml

to get the transforms right I was ready to implement this in C#. The problem is that I have no idea where to put the xslt file and how to reference it. I am not EpiServer expert, and the other "experts" at work have no clue either and cannot point me to any good reference docs for the EpiServerFramework.config. I am fairly confident I would add something like this to the config file

But the details are missing. Any help or points in the right direction?

P.S. This forum does not exactly excel in its usability compared to modern alternatives which lets you write in Markdown and other dev-friendly formats. The friggin' thing removes my inserted xml code when updating the post!

* Ex-JEE, now front-end techie, dabbling with the BE on a seldom occation

Aug 26, 2016 17:15

I would probably just add the xslt somewhere below the www folder. Since editors have no use for it, it's of limited use to involve Episerver at all actually. Then I would build a scheduled job to create the new and improved site map xml file. Then add the site map to robots.txt file to let search engines find it. Something like that...?

Aug 27, 2016 11:56
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