Using Dynamic Property


I have the standard page type which are used to show the pages which are under main menu. Now I have one more type which is kind of success story. So I made a page type of it and now user can make as much stories as they want. But now requirement is like I have to show the selected stories on standard page. Like in first page I have to show story 1 to 5, in second page story 3 to 5 and so. Anyone can suggest how I can include this functionality?


Nov 04, 2009 15:16


This depends on where you want to show the content, but I would create a dynamic content plugin for this. Use FindPagesWithCriteria to find all pages that are of type success story, sort them after their sort index or something else, get the values from the web editor for skip and take, and then do something with the returned collection.

Hope this helps.

Nov 04, 2009 16:06

Hi Fred,

Thanks for the responce. This could be one option. But now if I give you more explaination on what I need then you can give some alternate solution. I want to show those stories as property in the each standard page. Like if I have 10 success story type pages created in EPI then I should have 10 properpies automaticaly comes in the Standard page and there I can select the required one for each page. Is that kind of functionality is possible somehow?

I really need some idea to implement this functionality in anyways.

Thanks in advance

Nov 05, 2009 6:08

What type of properties where you thinking of? Page property that link to the Success Story? What if you have 50 success stories? Or 100? Either way I would still create it as a dynamic content plugin, simply because it offers more flexibility. If you still want to list all the pages for the editor to choice from, I would use FindPagesWithCriteria to find them, then bind them to a CheckBoxList so that the editor can choose which one he wants to show.

Nov 05, 2009 9:23
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