Some 5.2 migration problems


First of all, the site I'm having problems with is "inherited", so I don't have a full knowledge of what has been done in the various files. The original site was build in EPi 5 R1, and has been upgraded to R2, I'm not sure in which step of the upgrade the errors occured.

First of all, the urlrewriting is obviously handled differently, but for some reason it also seem to handle links under the the UI/, breaking the action="" urls in the <form> tag,changing it to /en/, rather than the current file, is there any way to control this?

Secondly, something odd has happened to the page tree to the left in the Edit view, for some reason only one level can be opened in IE7 (works fine in FireFox). It seems that anything that wasn't loaded in the initial building of the tree fails, and the tooltip for the items only says "null", where information like PageType and similar should be. I have no idea why this happens, and I would really appreciate any suggestions.


Mar 11, 2009 17:21

For controling the extra /en/ examine web.config setting siteHosts.

Also verify your siteUrl, uiUrl and utilUrl in web.config.

Examine if there is a custom FormAdapter adde. This was needed as a Ajax hack earlier but could possibly interfere today.

I would scratch my UI, Util, etc in the project and replace it with the latest version from C:\Program Files\EPiServer\CMS\5.2.375.133\Application.

I would also check that the bin folder only contains the assemblies present in C:\Program Files\EPiServer\CMS\5.2.375.133\bin

Mar 12, 2009 16:41


I'm not sure what a FormAdapter is, but I do have FCKEditAdapter installed, but according to the MergedAdapterMappings.browser it's only enabled for refID="MozillaFirefox".

I have already copied the folders under Application to the solution, with no change in behaviour.



Mar 13, 2009 9:26
It seems like an environment specific problem, after moving the site to another location the PageTree is working
Mar 13, 2009 10:24
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